FAQs for Colorado Volunteer Physicians

FAQs for Colorado Volunteer Physicians

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Common questions and answers about volunteering as a physician

If you have a question regarding providing volunteer medical services, please send it to retphysicians@copic.com.

Q: Do I need to maintain an active license in order to perform volunteer medical services in Colorado?
A: Yes. In order to be acting as a licensed physician, you must maintain an "active" license status.

Q: What if I am still practicing and want to provide some outside volunteer services? Do I need special insurance?
A: If you are still actively practicing, contact your medial liability carrier and inform them of your desire to provide volunteer services. Most carriers will cover that exposure. Keep in mind, that if your coverage is provided through your employer, your contract may have restrictions on what type of volunteer services you can perform. 

Q. What are the basic criteria to be eligible to be covered under COPIC’s Colorado Volunteer Medical Program?
A. Physicians who wish to be covered under COPIC's Colorado Program must complete a brief application and be approved through the underwriting process. COPIC notifies each applicant of approval decision. In addition, physicians: 

  • Must have a valid, active Colorado medical license.
  • Must be providing medical services on a volunteer basis without remuneration, and wholly within the state of Colorado.
  • May not perform any obstetrical, prenatal, invasive, or surgical procedures.
  • May only maintain consultative or courtesy privileges at a hospital with no admitting privileges.

Q: If I am retired, do I need to have medical liability coverage or would the “Good Samaritan Act” in Colorado provide immunity?
A: Colorado has laws which grant immunity to physicians who provide volunteer medical services. COPIC provides its volunteer program coverage recognizing that even physicians who qualify for immunity must mount a successful defense which can be costly.  

Q: Do I need to maintain my own medical records?
A: The official medical records for patients that you see while volunteering will be maintained by the practice/site location. It is important that you understand how the clinic operates and how their medical records are maintained.